"Insurgency in the Late Bronze Age Levant: A World-Systems Analysis of " by Eric T. Hubbard


The wide-ranging research focused on the turbulence of the Late Bronze Age in the Mediterranean and the Levant has not yet yielded a unified narrative of how this period was experienced across the region. While some sites exhibit no sign of the infamous collapse or ‘crisis,’ many others exhibit rapid abandonment or destruction layers. The narrative surrounding these destructions tends to be viewed as relating to foreign powers such as the imperial Egyptian invasion, Israel’s rising kingdom, or all manner of so-named ‘Sea Peoples.’ This macro-causal approach leaves fewer considerations of micro-scale incidents of local resistance/agency. Recent evidence from a New Kingdom outpost in Jaffa (Tel Yafo), excavated by the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project (JCHP), sheds light on just such a possibility. Specifically, evidence suggests a local Canaanite resistance against Egyptian domination. In this thesis, I reconsider a number of Late Bronze Age, New Kingdom outposts to better gauge the intensity of Egyptian influence in the Levant and to posit the probability of local efforts to collectively resist.


Navarro-Farr, Olivia




Other History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology


Near East, Archaeology, Late Bronze Age, Canaan, Insurgency

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis Exemplar



© Copyright 2016 Eric T. Hubbard