"George Harrison As He Is" by Samuel H. Easterday


Although many writers have sought to and claimed to understand George Harrison’s spirituality, the majority of their efforts are cursory attempts at best. By hastily labeling him a mystic and a convert from Christianity to Indian religion, existing publications fail to make sense of Harrison’s complex spiritual life and leave readers with an incomplete understanding of his religious identity. As a result of this reality, my Independent Study primarily aims to show the role that Christianity and Jesus Christ played in Harrison’s life. By focusing on the one key piece of his spiritual identity that has been the least understood and the most overlooked – his ongoing interest in, relationship with, and devotion of Jesus Christ – one gets a fuller and complex view of George Harrison’s spiritual identity.


Graham, Mark


Religious Studies


Catholic Studies | Christianity | Hindu Studies | Religion

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2016 Samuel H. Easterday