"Show Me What I Want to Know: Complexities in Creating an Effective Use" by Jacob London


User interfaces are everywhere, they dictate how humans are able to interact with machines and their effectiveness determines the effectiveness of the user. This project looks at the underlying principles associated with creating an effective user interface and applies these guidelines to the creation of a user interface in a video game demonstration level. The interface is designed using Unreal Engine 4 and, along with \textit{Battlefield 4}, a currently popular video game, is subject to a usability test with four testers of varying degrees of experience. This project also looks at the powerful software suites- video game engines, describes the design and implementation process of creating the user interface, as well as the usability tests, and discusses the results and implications of those tests. By the end of this paper, the reader should understand the principles that determine an effective user interface, the process for which usability testing is conducted, why Unreal Engine 4 was chosen for this project, and the difficulties associated with creating a user interface for different types of users.


Byrnes, Denise


Computer Science


Graphics and Human Computer Interfaces


User Interface, Unreal, Unreal Engine 4, Game, Game Engine, Engine

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2016 Jacob London