"Can Music Therapy be the Next Breakthrough in Therapy for Pediatric Co" by Bridget Slone


This research sought to investigate current clinical practices regarding the integration of the profession of Music Therapy with communication treatment provided by clinicians on pediatric cochlear implant teams. This study also included an analysis of what Communication Specialists on cochlear implant teams perceived about the clinical value and effectiveness of Music Therapy. In order to do this, the researcher crafted two separate surveys to be sent to Communication Specialists and Music Therapists across the United States. Views of Communication Specialists were collected through a survey posted electronically through American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and a to Special Interest Group through an electronic posting via the A. G. Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. These participants were also retrieved via email contact to individuals on over 50 cochlear implant centers across the United States. The Music Therapists were contacted directly by the researcher through a list generated by The American Music Therapy Association. Results from this survey research project found that a vast majority of Communication Specialists do not have access to a Music Therapist; do not have funding for such services; and desire to learn more about the field of Music Therapy. This study also found that many Music Therapists have never been trained to work with pediatric cochlear implant recipients. Additional research is necessary to more clearly establish the clinical benefits of integrating the two fields and the education and training of these professional groups.

Keywords: pediatric cochlear implant recipients, communication therapy, auditory habilitation, communication specialist, music therapy, music-based activities


Goldberg, Donald


Communication Studies


pediatric cochlear implant recipients, communication therapy, auditory habilitation, communication specialist, music therapy, music-based activities

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2016 Bridget Slone