"International Nongovernmental Organizations and Democratic Consolidati" by Evan B. Albertson


The focus of this examination is the phenomenon of democratic consolidation. Democratic consolidation is conceived to represent the continuous endeavors, within a state, to improve the quality of democracy. Many countries across the globe have a democratic foundation, characterized by frequent elections, checks and balances, and separations of powers; however, there is a wide spectrum amongst these states, in terms of the quality of democracy. All states have areas where they can enhance the practice of democratic principles. The objective of this study is to identify the primary entities that international nongovernmental organizations choose to engage in partnerships. The other goal of this study is to gain a better understanding of how international nongovernmental organizations work with their partners. In order to explore these relationships, the following cases are studied: the International Republican Institute’s work in Bolivia, the Ford Foundation’s programs in Mexico, and the National Democratic Institute’s efforts in Malawi.


Krain, Matthew


Political Science


Comparative Politics


Nongovernmental Organizations, Democracy, Democratic Consolidation

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2015 Evan B. Albertson