"Lost and Found: An Exploration of Design in Urban Cartography" by Chloe McFadyen


This paper endeavors to highlight the nuances in Modern and Contemporary cartography. Specifically focusing on the relationship between the viewer and the city as enabled by different maps. To examine this relationship, this paper highlights conceptual urban models of the Situationist International from the post war era, late twentieth century modern design by Massimo Vignelli in transit maps, and then contemporary geospatial technology in Tokyo. The distinct complexities in these models inform one another and the overall trajectory of map-making and thus way-finding. These cartographic case studies illuminate the formative nature of urban cartography on the city as a whole and the individual’s place in society.


Siewert, John


Art and Art History

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2015 Chloe McFadyen