"The Interception of Perceptions: An Analysis of Campus Perceptions of " by Cody L. Daniel


This research sought to reveal the perceptions of The College of Wooster varsity football team that were held by the college’s students, as well as to determine where the students received their information about the team in order to create a public relations strategy using Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). The researcher created a survey that included Likert-scale and semantic differential questions to gauge how students perceive the team. The study targeted three particular areas of perception: academics, ethics, and campus involvement. Results of the study found that the students have relatively neutral perceptions of the team and receive the majority of their information through Internet based mediums or through face-to-face conversation.

Keywords: Integrated Marketing Communications, public relations, marketing


Bostdorff, Denise


Communication Studies


Public Relations and Advertising


Integrated Marketing Communications, public relations, marketing

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2015 Cody L. Daniel