What mechanisms of the Traditional Radical Black Political Theorists' ideologies have crossed into Contemporary Black Political Thought, and how can these elements contribute to the progression of African Americans and racial equality in the United States, today? I approach the theorists (Malcolm X; Huey Newton; Angela Davis; Tupac Shakur; and Patricia Hill Collins) from a historical/ theoretical perspective, while avoiding narrative explanations of each individuals lives. My goal In this study was to do a critical comparative analysis - both within the respective times (1960-1985; 1985-present), and through a cross time analysis to answer my research question. I finally offer my contribution to Political Thought with my poetry collection, "***BlkSavage."
Weaver, Mark
Political Science
Recommended Citation
Kusch, Jestin B., "***Blksavage: A Study On The Elements of Traditional Radical Black Political Theories & Their Contributions To Contemporary Black Political Thought" (2015). Senior Independent Study Theses. Paper 6739.
Arts and Humanities
Publication Date
Degree Granted
Bachelor of Arts
Document Type
Senior Independent Study Thesis Exemplar
© Copyright 2015 Jestin B. Kusch