"Tomb of the Goblets: Revisiting a Middle Bronze Burial from Pella in J" by Blair Heidkamp


Tomb 1, Tomb of the Goblets, was excavated during the 1967 season of the Wooster Expedition to Pella. Containing a diverse array of 133 artifacts, some of which are imported, and evidence of multiple interments, prompted further investigation of the tomb. The date supplied in the original publication is 1550 BCE, lies in the transition of the Middle to Late Bronze Age. Exploring the origins of chronology in the region and following the multiple scholars who debate the relative and absolute chronology exposed the difficulty in assigning a period to this tomb. In pursuit of updating the chronological placement of Tomb 1, I cross-referenced the ceramic forms with other sites throughout the Levant in to attempt date the tomb based on ceramic chronology. The analysis of the specific artifacts from the Tomb 1 assemblage indicate the onset of Egyptian dominance of Pella, known as beginning in the Late Bronze period at Pella. Tomb 1 presents an abundance of evidence leading to a complex interpretation in terms of chronological and mortuary significance both as a singular tomb and within the larger regional context.


Navarro-Farr, Olivia




Other History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology


Tomb, Jordan, Pella, Middle Bronze, Late Bronze, Chronology

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2015 Blair Heidkamp