"Calculating the Rate of Dextral Strike-Slip Faulting Along the Höh Ser" by Jodi Sprajcar


The Höh Serh Fault is one of many active transpressional structures in the Mongolian Altai mountains that is accommodating for the high amount of strain being caused by the Indo-Eurasian Collision. The Höh Serhyin Nuruu, the larger range that the Höh Serh is the southeastern boundary of, exhibits much evidence for late Quaternary faulting events. Along the length of the Höh Serh there is thrust faulting and dextral strike-slip faulting, however, the area being researched for this paper only has an aspect of dextral strike-slip faulting. The thrust faulting can be found just south of the area being discussed in this paper. Along the length of the Höh Serh in this field area is evidence for dextral movement, which is seen in offset shutter ridges, alluvial fans, and drainage channels. Glacial history of this area implies that these alluvial fans and drainage channels were created after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), approximately 10000 years ago, and were offset afterwards due to faulting along the Hoh Serh. The offset measurements taken in the field season in 2008, and along with the glacial knowledge, were used to calculate the minimum, median, and maximum slip rates along this section of the Höh Serh Fault.


Judge, Shelley




Geophysics and Seismology

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2009 Jodi Sprajcar