"Escaping Definitions: A Queer Reader on Love for Students of Ancient G" by Anna-Maria H.C. Cornel


This thesis is a queer thesis aiming to inspire young readers of ancient Greek to think critically about texts as both philological artifacts and reflections of thought, beliefs, and experience in the ancient world. I chose “love” as the uniting theme for the various passages in my reader. I present vocabulary underneath each passage as well as grammatical help in the commentary and information necessary to understand the cultural context such as the relevancy of the text in its time and the reason for writing the work. The diversity of the passages shows the multifaceted nature and the universality of love and provides the intermediate reader with a sense of the different works that are delivered to us from ancient times. Looking at experiences concerning love, without the need to label or categorize, provides the students an opportunity for self-reflection and a chance to open their minds.


Rhyan, Dianna


Classical Studies


Classical Literature and Philology | Classics | Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies | Other Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2015 Anna-Maria H.C. Cornel