"The Dirty Work: the Self-Esteem of Barn Slaves" by Margaret A. Anderson


This thesis investigates the self-esteem of a particular group of adolescent girls in the horse world. These girls, called Bam Slaves, are those who do the dirty work in horse stables in exchange for riding lessons and privileges. The independent variables in this study are attitudes towards work, gender-role orientation, and relationships with friends and family. These variables were tested with the use of interviews. Results show that girls with positive attitudes towards work, masculine gender-role orientation, and positive relationships do have higher self-esteem. Also, those girls who are involved in the horse world of their own accord have higher self-esteem. This study is a pilot study. Future research is suggested to compare the self-esteem of Bam Slaves to that of other adolescent girls. A more extensive study would solve issues of reliability.


Holz, Jennifer


Sociology and Anthropology

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis

Available for download on Thursday, January 01, 2150

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© Copyright 1997 Margaret A. Anderson