"Islamic Resurgence in Turkey" by Mehmet T. Uner


This thesis explores the factors that have contributed to the emergence of a fundamentalist Islamic movement in Turkey and the direction this movement is currently moving towards. Two theories of social change that specifically focus on fundamentalist movements in Islamic countries were used. In order to provide substance for these theories the socio-political and economic history of the Turkey was explainedin the literature review section. The implications of the theories were tested by analyzing three sources: a Piar-Gallup survey that shows the attitude of the fundamentalist party's (RP) voters about Tukey's current situation, the economic agenda of the RP, and a speech given by the leader of the RP at their annual congress. These sources confirmed that the traces of the Islamic background of Turkey and the socio-political and economic situations it went through after the republic was founded make it inevitable for an Islamic revivalism to emerge. The analysis of the data also showed that the RP is making good use of the current socio-political and economic realities of Turkey and consequently increasing its support. The study, as a whole, suggests that understanding and tolderance are the key virtues to have in resolving the conflict created between the Islamic fundamentalists and liberals in Turkey.


Meyer, Eric

Second Advisor

Reimer, Richard


Economics; Sociology and Anthropology

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis

Available for download on Thursday, January 01, 2150

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