"The Soup Kitchen Community Constructing Social Networks for the Homele" by Amy J. Douds


The intent of this independent study thesis is to evaluate the need for strong socail networks among homeless soup kitchen clients. As homeless individuals are at great disadvantage in terms of social networks, the culture and sense of commynity within a soup kitchen are essential. The unique needs of the homeless client were investigaed by conducting interviews with thirty-three clients and six service providers in the cities of Baltimore, Maryland and Cleveland, Ohio. Our Daily Bread in Baltimore saw the need for consistend, supportive services every weekday from the same facility, while the Near West Side Ecumenical Hunger Center in Cleveland encouraged clients to see additional service facilites. Different networks form depending on the degree of interaction among clients and volunteers. Additional research may include the study of a traditionalized versus a modernized approach in soup kitchen service and the effectiveness of teh latter. Furture research should focus on the study of teh relationships between isolated, low-income neighborhoods and the emergence of soup kitche usage and homelessness.


Fitz Gibbon, Heather


Urban Studies

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis

Available for download on Thursday, January 01, 2150

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© Copyright 1993 Amy J. Douds