"Pearls of Wisdom: The Black Female Student Experience at The College o" by Deja A. Moss

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Many scholars have not seriously considered the history of Black women’s experience in predominantly White higher education institutions. This research places value on oral history as the method by which to gather first hand accounts of experiences of Black women in higher education after the Civil Rights-Black Power movement. This Independent Study project is a case study of nine Black female students experience at the College from 1971-1989. It explains how Black female students response to racism and sexism at The College of Wooster in the post-Civil Rights-Black Power Movement era. I show how their responses to racism changed over time through how they responded to their experiences with racial gendered oppressions. My research found that there are three strategies that these women used to respond to racism and sexism: deliberate avoidance, challenging stereotypes, and sister circles. These themes are examined through the framework of invisibility and visibility. This project reveals that not much has changed over a 50 year time period. What has changed is the Black female student’s response and reaction to racism and sexism.


Baumgartner, Kabria




black, female, college, racism, sexism, experience, Civil Rights, black power, stereotypes, sister, challenged, avoidance

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2014 Deja A. Moss