"Le Français Québécois et la Lutte pour Graver en Pierre une Variété Li" by Katherine G. Baker


The Québécois demonstrate the solidarity of the French-speaking world, but also maintain independence from France. As the world leader of la francophonie, the Québécois have struggled to develop their cultural identity without further distancing from each other their anglophones and francophones, the so-called two solitudes. The Québécois have been compelled to define a written and oral linguistic norm for their ever-evolving variety of French, but still struggle with linguistic insecurity. Drawing from my research and observations in Montréal and at the 2013 Congress of l’Association québécoise des professeurs de français, I describe in my independent study the difficulty and impossibility of creating a norm for their variety of French, and advocate the recognition of a less concrete linguistic standard.


Durham, Carolyn


French and Francophone Studies


Cultural History | French and Francophone Language and Literature | French Linguistics | Modern Languages


Quebec, français, french, lagnue, language, Canada

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2014 Katherine G. Baker