"Rethinking the Role: An Alternative Stage Management Method" by Chelsea A. Gillespie


Rethinking the Role: An Alternative Stage Management Method explores how the traditional role of a stage manager can be altered to assist in the successful development and creation of a performance when faced with an atypical production process. In order to create an alternative form of stage management, the traditional form of the role is examined within this study to establish the current practice. The study develops an understanding of the traditional process and history to allow for an explanation for why the alternative is important and necessary for an atypical production process.
Included in this work is a case study of The College of Wooster Theatre and Dance Department’s atypical production process of The Golden Age. The production team of The Golden Age was inspired by the idea of “group development” and used ideas based around it to create a performance that was inclusive of all members of the production team, including performers. This was an attempt to break down the traditional process of production to create a new way of approaching a play. Through the experience of stage managing The Golden Age, as well as employing neoclassical organizational theory as support, the study then culminates with alternative strategies for stage management when working within atypical productions. This supplemental method is a synthesis of research and observation experience.


Seeds, Dale


Theatre and Dance


Theatre and Performance Studies


stage management, production process

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2014 Chelsea A. Gillespie