
In this study the main purpose was to determine which graphic design components of logos aid in creating visual persuasion and recognition among audience members. The first component was directed at the graphic design elements of elaborateness, naturalness, and harmony. The second was to look at the influence of color utilizing the categories of hot, cold, and neutral. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between graphic design elements and color to determine their influence on brand perceptions and company recall. Nine logos were created; three logos with high levels of naturalness, three with high harmony, and three with high levels of elaborateness. One of each of the color combinations were used for each sub category resulting in three logos in each color combination. The nine logos were presented to different groups of college students in addition to a hypothetical company name. The findings of the study revealed that harmonious logos were perceived highest among audiences. Additionally, the interaction of color and graphic design element had a significant effect on reactions to the logos.


Johnson, Michelle


Communication Studies


Other Communication


logos, graphic design, visual communication

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2014 Stefany Mandarino