"The Characteristics of the Animal Rights Movement and its Success (A C" by Koichi Kikushima


This thesis examines the animal rights movement as a social movement. A major goal of this study involves finding out what characteristics of a social movement, particularly the animal rights movement, need to be present in order for the movement to be successful. Data was obtained by conducting questionnaires with the members of Animal Rights Hawaii (ARH) in Honolulu, Hawaii and Environmental Concerns of Students (ECOS) at the College of Wooster, in Ohio. Data was also obtained by interviewing the co-facilitator of ECOS. The model was developed through reviewing literature on social movements and the animal rights movement to explain how any successful social movements should work. Success of a movement is determined by the reaction of the established authority, and the reaction of the public. The model indicated that in order for a social movement, particularly the animal rights movement, to be successful, it is important that the movement participates in low-risk activities, recruiting members, spreading awareness to the public, and bringing about a change against the established authority. Data collected from the two methods indicated that ARH is successful as a social movement whereas ECOS's animal rights group is not because the former group was involved in these essential activities whereas the latter group was not. Further research on this subject may involve examining the animal rights movement as a new social movement.


Kardulias, Nicholas


Sociology and Anthropology

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis

Available for download on Thursday, January 01, 2150

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