"Anchored: a Novel-In-Stories and a Brief Exploration of Why We Love Ho" by Shaina Switzer


Through both critical inquiry and creative writing, I have explored the reasons why fans of horror love the genre. This thesis attempts to give insight into the myriad concepts associated with horror: slasher films and final girls, subgenres including psychological and body horror, the thrill of the taboo and the safety in voyeurism. Following my original linked short stories, (all set in the same wretched hive with the central themes of the genesis of a monster inextricably linked to the loneliness of urban existence), a critical section details my influences, theories, pitfalls, and strengths as I wrote this thesis. One of my ultimate goals for this collection was to acknowledge the cinematic influences on my life and entertainment choices, whilst also making the case that the written word is more effective in portraying sympathetic and fully realized characters.


Hayward, Jennifer




American Film Studies | Fiction


english, short stories, horror

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2013 Shaina Switzer