"Religion, Education, and the Home Schooling Movement" by Elise G. Pilorget


This thesis analyzes how conservative religious values and religious freedom legislation has contributed to the growth of the home schooling movement in the U.S. Thesis analyzes why families decide to home school, and presents a critique of the common types of curriculum chosen for home school education. Chapter One looks at the home schooling movement, how it began, what kind of people chose to home school, and where the movement is going in the future. This chapter also reflects on how religion has been the driving force of the home schooling movement and how it has shaped its destiny. Chapter Two presents the results of the interviews with home schooling teachers-mothers and how their religious beliefs influenced their decision to home school, the daily stresses of home schooling, and how it effects the mothers personally. Chapter Three is one of the first comprehensive studies of a published seventh grade curriculum designed for use in home schooling. The curriculum studied is typical of Christian-oriented home schooling curriculum available on the market today and used by many parents in this study. This thesis focuses on the religious indoctrination in the home schooling text and compares it to a public school text of similar nature. This chapter addresses issues of state standards for home schoolers and the need for a rating system of the current available curriculums so that parents can choose the best for their children. This thesis suggests ways in which school districts and might better regulate home schooler in the future.


Duntley, Madeline


Religious Studies

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis

Available for download on Thursday, January 01, 2150

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