"What is a God Onstage: Fabricating the Horses for Equus" by Paul Swanson


Fabrication is an often overlooked step in the production process when it comes to academic documentation. The present study examines Peter Shaffer's play Equus in terms of how Alan Strang sees the horses in the play as gods and converting it from script to stage. Taking information gathered through analysis of the script and previous productions this study seeks to find out how a fabricator can create a god onstage. For the purpose of the study only the aspects of Equus that relate directly to shaping Alan's person and how this would shape his view of the horses were taken into account. Furthermore keeping all of the knowledge gathered in research to construct gods onstage. This study found that through keeping to only how Alan would view the horses one can successfully create gods onstage.


Huston-Findley, Shirley


Theatre and Dance


Dramatic Literature, Criticism and Theory

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2013 Paul Swanson