
This study is a comparative analysis to determine the Goddess stature of the character Lilith. I am looking at narratives and art pieces from Hinduism, Judaism, and Ancient Mesopotamian religions that revolve around that Goddess Kali and the 'demon' Lilith. Primary sources that I am focusing on is the Sauptika Parvan, Devi-Mahatmya, Vayu Purana, Vamana Purana, Linga Purana, "The Thieves", 'Epic of Gilgamesh', Lamashtu Incantations, Isaiah 34, Gemara, Alphabet of Ben-Sira, Midrash Abkir, Zohar, and "The Cellar"; Primary art sources I am analyzing are Durga with Lion' modern poster, Durga and Kali Slaying Buffalo Demon' from the Brooklyn Museum, 'Chamunda' statue from the Pan-Asian Collection, Kali standing on Siva' modern poster, the 'Nude Goddess' Plaque, Lamashtu Incantation' Plaque, 'Arslan Tash' Amulet, 'Aramaic Magic Bowls', and Michelangelo "The Fall" Sistine Chapel. In this research, I am determining if Lilith is a Goddess by comparing her symbols to an already established Goddess, Kali. I analyze all the symbols, which include physical characteristics, relationships with other characters, roles, power, and transformation. In modern times, Lilith is assumed a Goddess by Feminists and New Religious Movements. This is a different approach by looking at Lilith's symbols to determine if she shares the same characteristics that define a Goddess.


Crothers, Lisa


Religious Studies



Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2011 Houstin Phyllis Hoskins