"Les Dangers De La Biture Parmi Les Jeunes Français : Le Manque De Comp" by Andrea Nissenbaum


This is a comprehensive study about the history of alcohol use in France and the influences that have lead to the development of binge drinking among the French youth. An analysis of different texts was done in order to try and understand the shift in French culture, as well as other European countries as to why Binge drinking has become so prevalent. The other main purpose of this study was to try and figure out what can be done to reduce the number of youth that participate in binge drinking. However, no exact solutions were found in order to prevent binge drinking, but there are ideas and programs that are in existence, which is a start to diminishing the problem.


Durham, Carolyn


French and Francophone Studies


Social and Cultural Anthropology

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2013 Andrea Nissenbaum