The topic I’m investigating concerns the religious minorities of Spain in the Early Modern period. These groups are the Moriscos, who were forcibly converted, and were later exiled. This is important to this field of study because there is not much scholarship on this type study in this subject. What I’m doing in this project is looking closely at the experience of these two groups, and their similarities in conversion, diaspora, and and exile. Another large and important aspect to this project is the language that these groups spoke and/or wrote because they contributed to their experience as outsiders in their own land.
Mirza, Sarah
Second Advisor
Cope, Brian
Religious Studies; Spanish
Recommended Citation
Tepperman, Ryan C., "“Should I Stay or Should I Go”: How Spain’s Religious Minorities Were Able to Survive in the Early Modern Period" (2024). Senior Independent Study Theses. Paper 10955.
Religion | Spanish and Portuguese Language and Literature
Morisco, Converso, Diaspora, Exile
Publication Date
Degree Granted
Bachelor of Arts
Document Type
Senior Independent Study Thesis
© Copyright 2024 Ryan C. Tepperman