"The Misrepresentation of Black Male Athletes in Media" by Dorion Talley


Lebron James, Colin Kaepernick, Marcus Rashford, and Raheem Sterling are all highly decorated professional athletes of this generation. The purpose of this study is to provide a rhetorical analysis on how these athletes have been misrepresented in media. Multiple news outlets and journalists hold biases towards black athletes and do not allow them to express themselves as black men. In this study I use the concept of Racial Battle Fatigue and pull from Critical Race Theory to conduct a rhetorical analysis. My findings reveal the systematic racism of media messages about particular athletes in professional sports. Specifically, my study emphasizes the fact that black athletes are often portrayed as only athletes.


Smith, Josh


Communication Studies


Broadcast and Video Studies | Communication Technology and New Media | Critical and Cultural Studies


critical race theory, racial battle fatigue, microagressions

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2023 Dorion Talley