"Little Gems: A Poetry Anthology Examining Family Structure and How it " by Kathryn Rose Materick


This poetry anthology utilizes a feminist lens to determine how the perpetuation of white, middle-class ideas of the Midwest, specifically those concerning tradition, disrupt or post-pone self-discovery and self-actualization of the individual. Additionally, the collection focuses on promoting the employment of reflexivity in order to become a better feminist, especially towards other women whose experiences are different from one’s own. Through intense moments of imagery, the poems generate reflexive thinking in the author in order to determine not only her place in society, but how this self-reflection through poetry can positively affect the feminist narrative instead of continuing the narrative of a white middle class woman being the “average woman” in America. To further support this line of thinking, the theory of experience, intersectionality, feminist standpoint theory, and identity are all explained and analyzed in conversation with one another. Additionally, the works like “The House on Mango Street,” by Sandra Cisneros, “Annie John,” by Jamaica Kincaid, and “The Mother’s Charge,” by Charlotte Anna Perkins Gilman further explain the thought process behind the anthology. Their employment aids in demonstrating the anthology’s gradual change in perspective, especially in how it leads the reader through the poet’s process of discovery by beginning with idealized moments of childhood and ending with more concrete, realistic images portraying how the idealized middle-class family values such as “legacy,” pervade her life. As a result, this poetry anthology is meant to also encourage the reader to engage in reflective thinking about their own position in life and how that not only translates to their personal identity, but also how knowing their identity and getting to know the identities of others can affect the world around them.


Griffin, Alysha




Arts and Humanities


Poetry, Feminism, Protofeminism, Familial Relations, Family Structure, Intersectionality

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2023 Kathryn Rose Materick