"Clear Bag Policy: How Nudges Habitually Changed Household Waste Produc" by Stacey Harris


On August 1, 2015, Halifax Regional Municipality in Nova Scotia, Canada adopted a Clear Bag Policy (CBP) which required households to dispose of their waste in clear garbage bags. The use of clear bags to deter people from large amounts of landfill waste through public shame is an example of a Green Nudge. I hypothesized that Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) continued to decrease and did not plateau after CBP. I use theoretical microeconomic models influenced by welfare economics theories to demonstrate how disposal affects consumers purchasing through consumption, behavioral, and learning economic theories. I collected MSW totals from 2015 to 2021 from the Government of Nova Scotia by Waste Municipality. I also collected Census data from the Government of Canada by subdivision to discern Municipal characteristics effects on disposal totals to identify the ideal audience for policymakers. I use Stata, a statistical software for data manipulation, visualization, statistics, and reporting to run three regression equations using Difference in Difference estimation to determine results of residential waste in Halifax after 2016. Regression 1 reported a decrease in waste in 2017 and onward. Regression 2 and 3 tested demographic characteristics and reported that education, income, age, employment, and Municipality were correlated to MSW. My hypothesis is correct, and Nudges applied by CBP were effective as MSW waste in Halifax continued to decrease until 2019. However, the inclusion of the COVID-19 pandemic greatly increased waste production and skewed my results in assessing if residents of Halifax changed their recycling habits. CBP was effective in reducing MSW and should be viewed as an example for future environmental policies.


Chaudhary, Sookti


Business Economics


Behavioral Economics | Environmental Policy | Public Economics | Public Policy


Behavioral Economics, Learning Theory, Environmental Policy, Curbside Recycling Program, Canada, Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nudge Theory, Cognitive Architecture, Peer Effects, Residential Waste, Habitual Changes, Clear Bag Policy, Peer Effects

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis

Senior IS Do File.do (5 kB)
Do File for Regression Equations



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