
This project is divided into three chapters in addition to an introduction and Conclusion. The introduction explains what inspired the topic as well as a provides a brief summary of Frantz Fanon and his 1952 book Peau noire, masques blancs. The argument is made that the schéma épidermique racial [racial epidermal schema] provides a way for racialized beings to establish their racial identity outside of characterizations made as a result of European colonialization.

The first chapter “What is the schéma épidermique racial ?”, breaks down the schéma épidermique racial by defining its coordinating structures: Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s conception of the schéma corporel [body schema] and Frantz Fanon’s conception of the schema historico-racial [historical racial schema]. It analyzes Fanon’s personal account of how he discovered the schéma in “Chapitre cinq : L’expérience vécue l’homme noir” [Chapter Five: The Fact of Blackness]of Peau noire, masques blancs. The second chapter “Mise en context: la question de la race en France et aux Antilles”, written entirely in French, discusses the life of Fanon and the ideologies surrounding racial and ethnic identities in France and the Antilles [French West Indies]. It contextualizes the black people of the Antilles and their difficulties defining their identity, as discussed in “Chapitre un : Le Noir et la langue” [Chapter One: The Negro and Language] of Peau noire, masques blancs. Chapter three identifies the potential implications of accepting or rejecting the schéma épidermique racial through defining the épidermisation d'inferioirté [internalization of inferiority] and providing the author’s personal account.


McBride, Lee

Second Advisor

Duval, Marion


French and Francophone Studies; Philosophy


French and Francophone Literature


Frantz Fanon, Black Identity, Racial Identity

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2023 Taylor Danea Jackson