"Consumer Perception of Fashion Advertising: An Analysis of the Opinion" by Zachery C. Vesco


This independent study conducted research regarding college aged students opinions of three different print advertising strategies in the fashion industry. The researcher created three print advertisements for a company founded personally by the researcher. The three advertising strategies utilized were sexually appealing, celebrity endorsement, and likeable character advertisements. The participants were approached by the researcher to fill out part of a survey and then view one of the three advertisements and the fill out the rest of the survey. The participants provided their initial opinions of print advertising and then their opinions of the particular advertisement they viewed. The study used the means-end theory to analyze the opinions of the participants. The results of the study demonstrated that participants' values shape their opinions of advertising, and also that brand awareness is very important to receive a positive reaction to an advertisement.


Johnson, Michelle


Communication Studies


Public Relations and Advertising

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2012 Zachery C. Vesco