Economics Senior Independent Study Theses | Economics | The College of Wooster
The full text of Senior Independent Study Theses submitted during and after 2012 are available to download only by College of Wooster users. Unless listed as an exemplar, all other theses are restricted.


Senior Independent Study Theses from 2009


Does It Pay to Play? An Analysis of the Impact of High School Athletic Participation on Post-School Wages, Paul N. Thompson
Department: Economics


Comparison on the US Consumption of Chinese Textiles between the ATC and Safeguard Periods, Yufen Wu
Department: Economics

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2008


Management Inefficiency and the Risk of Takeover, Russ Dieringer
Department: Economics


Philosophy of Development: Towards a Normative Theory, Erik Russell Larson
Department: Economics; Philosophy

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2007


It's a Hard Knock Life For Us ... Does TANF or the EITC Increase the Well-Being of Single Mothers?, Stephanie Lynn Casey
Department: Economics


The Effects of Property Taxes on the Business Location of Firms, Adam Donelan
Department: Economics


Effectiveness of Foreign Aid and Institutional Quality on Economic Growth in Developing Countries, Aaron James Gertz
Department: Economics


Voice of the People: a Study of the Impact of the Voter Initiative on State Tax Structure, Robert Hutchinson
Department: Economics


Financial Flows and Uncertainty in the Small Economy, Bret McNab
Department: Economics


Impact of Advertising on Firm Profitability Depending on Firm Age, David Miller
Department: Economics


Effects of Family-Ownership on Firm Value, Drew Pelger
Department: Economics


Impact of Corruption on Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean, Anton J. Tkachenko
Department: Economics

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2006


"Just Say No" to Being "Tough" on Drugs: a Historical Analysis of Drug Abuse and a Cost-Effectiveness Study on Mandatory Minimum Sentences and Drug Courts, Samuel D. Langley
Department: History; Economics


Fat Doesn't Pay: the Effect of Obesity on Wages, Elizabeth Rice
Department: Economics

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2005


From the Euro to the Afro Lessons From European Monetary Union For Africa, Patrick M. Bourke
Department: Economics; Political Science


How Does the Conflict Between An Option to Defer and An Option to Expand Determine An Investment Decision Under Uncertainty? a Real Options Approach Applied to the Software Migration Project at the College of Wooster, Desislava Dimitrova
Department: Economics


Urban Economic Growth: An Analysis of Human Capital Spillovers and Productivity, Jonathan Nye Fuller
Department: Economics


Incorporating a Consumption Tax Into the Tax Structure of the United States: An Empirical Analysis of the Value-Added Tax and Its Effects on Personal Savings, Lauren M. Gilbert
Department: Economics


Effects of Severance Tax Incentives on the U.S. Oil Industry: Based on Extractive Firms Behavior For Oil Production and Exploration, Carlyn Rebecca Hall
Department: Economics


Gravity Model Analysis of Trade Creation and Trade Diversion in the South Asian Preferential Trading Arrangement (SAPTA), Syed Imran Hasnain
Department: Economics


Foreign Currency Denominated Debt and Currency Derivatives As Hedging Tools: a Simulation Approach, Miks Karklins
Department: Economics


Tests of Faith: An Empirical Analysis of the Efficiency of Islamic Banks Vs. Conventional Banks in Malaysia During the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997, Avais Aquil Karmali
Department: Economics


Convenience, Obesity, and Households' Allocation of Home Time, Ryan Martin Kilpatrick
Department: Economics


Economic Causes and Consequences of Terrorism, Gerrit Cornelis Frans Ockers II
Department: Economics


Examination of the Effects of Federal Budget Deficits on Long Term Interest Rates With a Focus on the Impact of the Composition of Federal Spending, Michael Pickford
Department: Economics


Do Acquiring Bank Shareholders Receive Abnormal Returns When Changes in Systematic Risk Are Acknowledged?, Mustafa Khalid Rafique
Department: Economics


Do Low-Income and Minority Households Have Less Accessibility to Housing Credit? An Empirical Study of Possible Disparities in the Mortgage Lending Market of Cuyahoga County, Jennifer Riegelmayer
Department: Economics


Economic Impacts of Newell-Rubbermaid's Branch Plant Closure on Employment and Labor Income in Wayne County and Possible Growth Industries, Elizabeth A. Whittam
Department: Economics

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2004


Beehive: A Comparative Study of Xenophon's Oeconomicus and Its Influences on Modern Household and Family Economics, Curtis D. Wolfe
Department: Classical Studies; Economics

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2000


Tax Theory and Tax Policy: Are Politicians Acting Responsibly?, Jacquelyn M. Gray
Department: Political Science; Economics

Senior Independent Study Theses from 1998


Effects of German Corroprations Dual-Listing on the New York Stock Exchange, Travis R. Nieman
Department: Economics; German Studies

Senior Independent Study Theses from 1995


Islamic Resurgence in Turkey, Mehmet T. Uner
Department: Economics; Sociology and Anthropology

Senior Independent Study Theses from 1994


A Closer Examination of Occupational Segregation - Do Spatial Constraints Exist and Affect Occupational Segregation?, Laurie Peterson
Department: Economics

Senior Independent Study Theses from 1993


Why a State Administered Income Redistribution Program Is Undesirable: A Neoclassical Study of the Aid to Families With Dependent Children Program, Wiliam D. Minser
Department: Economics; Political Science

Theses/Dissertations from 1988


The Yugoslav Economic System and its Performance 1945-1980, Sissie T. Hadjiharalambous

Theses/Dissertations from 1983


Individual Decision-Making Model on Local Public Policy Issues: A Case Study of Women on Public Water Fluoridation in Wooster, Ohio, Anastasia A. Tzavaras

Senior Independent Study Theses from 1981


Inflation, Howard J. Campbell
Department: Economics


Occupational Segregation by Sex: Determinants and Effects, Timothy A. Dickson
Department: Economics


Theoretical Dimensions of Land Management Policy: An Alaskan Application, Scott R. Eisentrout
Department: Economics


An Analysis of Selected World Wheat Policies and their Effects on US Wheat Prices, Jay C. Haver
Department: Economics


Productivity A Comprehensive Analysis of Theory, Measurement, and Current Trends, Steven B. Hibbard
Department: Economics


The Econometric Analysis of the Decentralization of Whites and the Centralization of Blacks, Amy S. Hoffman
Department: Economics


An Examination of the Distributional Effects of the Fifty-Fifty Plan, David M. King
Department: Economics


The Study of Accelerated Methods of Depreciation and the Investment Tax Credit, Rebecca A. Kress
Department: Economics


Retirement Programs Impact on Saving: A Case of Social Security vs. Private Pensions, Richard J. Leone
Department: Economics


Determinants of Labor Force Participation of Married Women in the United States, Martha L. Malmisur
Department: Economics


Energy Demand and Fuel Choice: An Application to the Primary Metals Industry, LuAnn McClernan
Department: Economics


An Analysis of the Structure, Conduct, and Performance of the United States Steel Industry, Douglas M. Miller
Department: Economics


A Theoretical Analysis of Exhaustible Natural Resource Depletion: An Application to the Petroleum Industry, Thomas R. Noble
Department: Economics


Empirical Analysis of Collective Bargaining and the Occurrence of Strikes, Jeffery A. Pargeon
Department: Economics


An Econometric Study of Public School Expenditures, James W. Peterson
Department: Economics


An Evaluation of the Federal Effort to House the Poor and Moderate Income; Sections 235 and 236 of the 1968 National Housing Act, Jacob E. Reiter
Department: Economics


Problems Facing the American Automobile Industry; And the Effects of a Japanese Import Restriction, Chris Romano
Department: Economics


An Empirical Model of the Wage Gap between Men and Women, Peter von Allmen
Department: Economics

Senior Independent Study Theses from 1978


Investment in Higher Education: A Discussion of the Rate of Return; The Internal Rate to Four Year College Education of Women in the United States, 1970, Lauren Hands
Department: Economics

Senior Independent Study Theses from 1974


Trade Creation and Trade Diversion Effects in the Europen Economic Community: An Empirical Study, Jeffrey L. Keefer
Department: Economics

Senior Independent Study Theses from 1964


The Social Security Act of 1935 As An Outgrowth of the Current Economic Conditions, James A. Pope III
Department: Economics