Senior Independent Study Theses from 2006
Topology-Based Algorithms For Self-Organizing, Self-Healing Peer-To-Peer Search Networks, Joel Wietelmann
Department: Mathematics; Computer Science
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2005
Smokin', Jeffrey W. Adamson
Department: Computer Science; Mathematics
This Is Hard, Nancy Dujmovic
Department: Mathematics; Computer Science
Φ, Clarkson Dzapasi
Department: Computer Science; Mathematics
Examination of Image Recognition With Neural Networks, Katherine Haines
Department: Computer Science
Online Confusion: An In-Depth Look at the Design Elements of a Web Based Database and User Interface, Zach Leeds
Department: Mathematics; Computer Science
Moving Through the World One State at a Time: An Investigation of Markov Chains, Erin McGinnis
Department: Mathematics; Computer Science
Physically Based Modeling Using the Mass Spring System With An Analysis of Numerical Solutions, Chad Miller
Department: Computer Science
Steiner Trees, Christopher M. Sirois
Department: Mathematics; Computer Science
Making the Tour: Effectively Implementing Navigation, Realism, and Information Dissemination Using Principles of Human-Computer Interaction in a 3D Environment Created in the X3D Format, Jesse Smith
Department: Mathematics; Computer Science
Digital Logic: An Exploration of Field Programmable Gate Arrays, James Lawrence Wallace
Department: Mathematics; Computer Science
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2003
Cognition in Foreign Policy Crisis Decision-Making: Computer Analysis of Public Statements By John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, and George H. W. Bush, Thomas W. Ahlfors
Department: Political Science; Computer Science