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The President’s Annual Report 2021-22 fall edition of Wooster magazine features stunning imagery of Lowry Center as this heart of campus reopened to the community in fall 2022. This issue highlights the many ways Wooster is working to build equity and inclusiveness into its curricular and co-curricular programming, and how reflective experiential learning is enhancing career exploration. The annual financial report details College operating revenues and expenses and the year’s giving and fundraising activity. The issue also highlights the incoming Class of 2026, 15 years of Posse Scholars at Wooster, the growth of the Pathways Programs and other real-world experiences, new research and discovery from Archaeology Professor Olivia Navarro-Farr, and the latest College news. The College also introduces 12 new members of Wooster’s Alumni Board and Board of Trustees. In Tartan Ties are profiles of the Distinguished Alumni Award recipients for 2022, and highlights from Alumni Weekend 2022: Under the Big Top and Black & Gold Weekend.
Publication Date
Fall 2022
The College of Wooster
In Copyright
The College of Wooster, Wooster Magazine, The President’s Annual Report, Pathways Program, Posse Scholars, Experiential Learning, Board of Trustees, Alumni Board, Professor Olivia Navarro-Farr, Lowry Center
Recommended Citation
Stanowick, Caitlin Paynich, "Wooster Magazine: The President's Annual Report 2021-22" (2022). Wooster Magazine: 2011-Present. 41.

Wooster Vol. 137 No. 1