Wooster Magazine: Fall 1990
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine was published in the fall of 1990. The feature of the issue is titled "Caring for the College," and covers the hundreds of staff that clean and care for the students and the campus of Wooster. The article features pieces from from said staff. The Field Studies section highlights the staff that work for the athletic department. Another article titled "A New Home" follows a Wooster alumni who helped build homes for families in the Mississippi Delta. Alumni News and Class Notes are included t the end, featuring wedding pictures.
Wooster Magazine: Spring 1990
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine was published in the spring of 1990. The theme of this edition is religious studies, so the features focus on studying religion in 1990 and the nature of religious studies in general, past and present. Other topics covered include the NCAA and former athletic director Al Van Wie 52', teaching, and new books. Alumni News and Class Notes can be found at the end of the issue featuring a number of wedding photos
Wooster Magazine: Summer 1990
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine was published in the summer of 1990 and is the third annual I.S. issue. The first article included discussions with five members of faculty and the dean about Independent Study in their departments. On page 12, all of the graduates are listed with their I.S. and their advisor. The At Issue section discusses if I.S. is worth the stress and pressure on students and faculty. Other topics covered throughout the issue include the velvet revolution and baseball. Alumni News and Class Notes are featured at the end of the issue, including wedding and class reunion photos.
Wooster Magazine: Winter 1990
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine was published in the winter of 1990. The theme of this edition is theater performance. The features section includes articles on theatre at Wooster, memories of the department by alumni, and the story of the "Two Jims" about a couple of Wooster graduates who went on to become a famous duo in show business. The Graphically Speaking section shows off art from alumni. Alumni News and Class Notes are featured at the end of the issue.
Wooster Magazine: Fall 1989
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine was published in the fall of 1989. The features of this issue focuses on the board of the College of Wooster. Including a reflection on board membership and the making of the board at Wooster. Other topics covered include Opening Convocation, the discovery of the Rose Theatre (an Elizabethan era theatre), and the importance of local newspapers. Retirements, Alumni News, and Class Notes can be found at the end of the issue.
Wooster Magazine: Spring 1989
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine was published in the spring of 1989. The features of this issue focus on athletics at the College of Wooster, including pieces on how alumni remember intercollegiate sports, women in sports, and Wooster's "five horsemen" of the 1915 football season. Alumni News and Class Notes can be found at the end of the issue.
Wooster Magazine: Summer 1989
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine was published in the summer of 1989, and is the second annual I.S. issue. The first article included some excerpts and comments from the I.S. authors of 1989. The second lists every student, their I.S. title, and advisor for the 1988-1989 academic year. Other topics covered include the reinstitution of the Zeta Phi Gammas. Alumni News and Class Notes can be found at the end of the issue.
Wooster Magazine: Winter 1989
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine was published in the winter of 1989. The focus of the features is the Peace Corps. The first few articles cover topics related to the Peace Corps, including one on a week in the life of a volunteer, one on remembering the first Peace Corps volunteers, and one on the relationship between the College and the Peace Corps program. Other topics covered include the Women's Issues Block and forest fires. The Graphically Speaking section features plant drawings and paintings by faculty member George Olsen. Alumni News and Class Notes can be found at the end of the issue.
Wooster Magazine: Fall 1988
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine was published in the fall of 1988. The features of this edition focus on the libraries on campus, the history of the library at the College of Wooster, and the future of the the library. The edition also contains an interesting piece called "A Night with the Books" that contains a number of pictures from within Andrews Library after dark. Other topics covered include the 1988 elections, and women's concerns about the 1988 elections. Alumni News and Class Notes can be found at the end of issue.
Wooster Magazine: Spring 1988
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine was published in the spring of 1988. The first piece of the issue discusses teaching at the College in the 1920s and 1930s and features a number of pictures from the times. The second article questions the difference that Wooster has made. Other topics covered include the specialization of student athletes, the cost of a college education, the reading and writing center, and the play "Blues for Mr, Charlie," the production chosen for the Black Arts Festival. The Class Notes and Alumni News are featured at the end.
Wooster Magazine: Summer 1988
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine was published in the summer of 1988. As stated on the cover, this issue is the first ever IS issue. In the first feature, 12 students of the class of 1988 discuss IS. The second feature discusses the importance and benefits of IS. The third feature tells stories of alumni turning in IS projects. Other topics covered in the issue include a production IS, College of Wooster baseball, and the end of Color Day in 1969. Alumni News and Class Notes are at the end of the issue featuring images of class reunions and weddings.
Wooster Magazine: Winter 1988
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine, which centers on the music department, was published in the winter of 1988. The features cover the music department at the College of Wooster and alumni of the music department. The Graphically Speaking section features images inside the new Scheide Music Center. Other topics covered include, the black tie event to open the new music center and senior athletes at the College of Wooster. Alumni News and Class Notes are featured at the end of the issue.
Wooster Magazine: Fall 1987
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine was published in the fall of 1987. the main topic of this edition is the college presidency. The features cover stories of former presidents, the second piece "Howard Lowry's Gift of Excellence" discusses the well known president Howard Lowry. Another piece questions the power that comes with a college presidency. Other articles in the issue cover a day in a woman's life in the 1940s and opening convocation. Alumni News and Class Notes are featured at the end of the edition.
Wooster Magazine: Spring 1987
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine was published in the spring of 1987. The focus of the features section covers the history department at the College. The first article discusses the various careers that alumni of the history department hold, highlighting the large number of teachers. The next two pieces highlight the stories of the department and the faculty. Other topics covered in this edition are job flexibility, the NCAA, retirements, and dance at Wooster. Alumni News and Class Notes are featured at the end of the issue.
Wooster Magazine: Summer 1987
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine was published in the summer of 1987. The features section highlights alumni of the College, covering the Alumni Weekend of 1987(also pictured in the Graphically Speaking section), and stories of alumni. Other pieces feature distinguished alumni, theater productions, and the 25 year anniversary of Andrew's library opening. Alumni News and Class Notes can be found at the end of the issue, including some pictures of class reunions.
Wooster Magazine: Winter 1987
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine was published in the winter of 1987. The features cover Wooster Alumni and their careers in Washington DC. Later pieces feature images of Wooster in the winter from 1915-1984, a story on how students in 1987 spend their Friday nights, and a debate about Freshman Seminar. The Graphically Speaking section highlights images from the Library of Congress. Alumni news and class notes can be found at the end of the edition.
Wooster Magazine: Fall 1986
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine was published in the fall of 1986. The features section focuses on housing and Residential Life at the College of Wooster both past and present. Alumni share housing stories in the piece "I Remember" while contemporary students and their living spaces are featured in "Residential Life:1986." Other pieces in this edition cover the college's literary magazine Wooster Review, a timeline of dining on campus, an NFL official and stage directing. The Graphically Speaking gallery features images of students moving in. Alumni News and Class Notes can be found at the end of the issue.
Wooster Magazine: Spring 1986
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine was published in the spring of 1986. The edition opens with a piece about Wooster alumni teachers. The next article "Eight Classrooms" takes the reader to eight College of Wooster classrooms in April of 1986, focusing on different faculty members "in their element." Other pieces discuss the push for the college to divest itself of the corporations doing business in South Africa, the competitiveness of the NCAC, and composing new music. The Graphically Speaking section features images of faculty and students during spring semester. Alumni News and Class Notes are features at the end.
Wooster Magazine: Summer 1986
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine was published in the summer of 1986. The first two articles of the edition center on the arts, focusing on alumni discussions on the state of the arts and the process of "critical looking" in the study of the arts. The following pieces feature athletic recruitment, the Ohio Light Opera, women in leadership, and "Departed Landmarks" of the college. The Graphically Speaking section showcases alumni art. Alumni News and Class Notes can be found at the end of the issue, containing a number of class reunion pictures.
Wooster Magazine: Winter 1986
Peter Havholm
This edition of the Wooster Magazine was published in the winter of 1986. The first article of the magazine, "Inside Taylor Hall," explores the physics and mathematics departments at the College of Wooster. Taylor Hall and the departments housed within it are the main focus of this edition. The next section debates the usefulness and necessity of personal computers. Later articles discuss computer games, alumni careers in physics and math, the renovations done to Taylor Hall, and the role of machines in teaching. The Class Notes begin on page 46 and detail notes from classes all the way back to 1916. Births and obituaries are also listed.
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