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"COW: Tree Campus USA" recognizes the distinction made by the Arbor Day Foundation regarding Wooster's endowment and commitment to maintaining the trees on campus. The front page of this issue also notes the upcoming Woosterfest and the 2012 presidential election. Other news articles discuss an Amish hate crime and problems with less diners at Kittredge Hall. In the Features section, stories include a paranormal club under the direction of professor Abigail Adams and information on a hearing and speech clinic in Wishart Hall. "J.C. Chandor creates film for Robert Redford" in the Arts and Entertainment section look at Wooster alum J.C. Chandor at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival. Another article in this section lists the top ten iTunes singles of that week. In Sports, there are articles about football, men's soccer, and volleyball.

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arbor day, arbor day foundation, trees, trees at Wooster, Woosterfest, 2012 Elections, Kittredge Hall, catcalling, paranormal club, Wishart Hall, speech therapy, hearing therapy

Subject Heading

Arbor Day; Presidents--Election; Amish; Amish Country (Ohio); Hate crimes; Victims of hate crimes; Sustainability; Ghosts; Speech therapy; Football; Soccer; Sexual minorities; Volleyball

The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 2012-09-28
