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The headline article "Students react to proposed outsourcing of Dining Services" showed concerns expressed by students and faculty regarding the possibility of outsourcing dining to a contracted outside company. Another news article discusses the Wooster Student Union's calls to look closer at how money is allocated at Wooster, specifically in terms of administration's salaries. In the Features section, this issue focuses on a Hondruan public health project led by communications professor Jennifer Moreland and News Editor Ian Benson going to Super Fit. One page has a special "Voice Valentines" section. Arts and Entertainment features awards given to theater students and a movie review of the film "Identity Thief." In Sports, this issue covers the men's basketball team winning the NCAC, men's tennis, and wins from the women's basketball team.

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campus dining, outsourcing, Grant Cornwell, administration, salaries, USPS, racial identity, corporations, Honduras, Jennifer Moreland, Super Fit, Valentines, theater department, NCAC

Subject Heading

Budget; Universities and colleges; Central America; Valentine's Day; College theater; College sports; Basketball

The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 2013-02-15
