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This week's Wooster Voice has a front page article titled "Wooster Ethic Commitee addresses behavior in Mom's" in reaction to poor conduct by students to respect the late night space. Other news articles discuss a moot court competition in Michigan and a Wooster alum, Mark Giuliano, being appointed Deputy Director of the FBI. In Features, the Voice reports on student needs for better LGBTQ+ representation on campus and a revitalization of the Vegan co-op dinner in Babcock Hall. Arts and Entertainment articles report on an African art exhibition in Ebert, new hip-hop album releases, a Toubab Krewe concert held by ASU, and a charity concert at the Underground. In Sports, the Voice reports on basketball, field hockey, and senior athletes.

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Wooster ethic committee, Mom's truck stop, vandalism, Moot court, Mark giuliano, FBI, queer social space, LGBTQ+ representation, Vegan co-op, lanyards, gender nonconformity, Copeland fund, Art museum, African art, African students union, Toubab Krewe, Charity concert, Underground, basketball, field hockey, senior athletes

Subject Heading

School vandalism; Moot courts; Sexual minorities; Veganism; Art, African; Charity; Basketball; Field hockey

The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 2013-11-15
