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The Story of the Week in this issue of the Wooster Voice is "Budget allocations released for the 2016-17 school year," reporting that the ice hockey team, Wooster Activities Committee, and the Black Student Association received some of the highest allocations for the upcoming academic year. Other news articles include "Graduate students to serve in Res Life," recognizing three Kent State students serving as residence life assistants, and "Small house repairs continued over Spring Break." The Features Section includes articles on a new storefront for the local sandwich restaurant Spoon Market, as well as articles on cicadas and book donations for the incarcerated. The Arts and Entertainment section has an obituary for musician and performer Prince and articles on the Don't Throw Shows Improv Group and the Shades of Gold acapella group. In Sports, the Voice reports on track and field, women's lacrosse, and ultimate frisbee.

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Budget allocations, graduate students, Kent state university, small houses, Miller manor, events, culture, gender, speech, existence, Spoon market, cicadas, books, donations, Prince, Shades of gold, Don't throw shoes, Netflix, track, women's lacrosse, ultimate frisbee

Subject Heading

Budget; Student housing; Culture; Feminism; Relocation; Cicadas; Gifts; Track and field athletes; Lacrosse; Ultimate (Game)

The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 2016-04-29
