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In this edition, the authors begin with an announcement that Alexander Drysdale, '41, was chosen to represent Wooster at Ewing Christian College in Allahabad, India. They go on to indicate that Dr. Frank Guy Armitage, an expert on Dickens, was to give a talk in the chapel. The death of Mrs. Netta Strain Scott, donor of Scott auditorium, is announced. Harry R. Flory's chapel talk is discussed. Flory was European News Manager for the United Press and a College of Wooster alumnus. In the page 2 section, "Roosevelt Disillusions Followers as Militarism Replaces New Deal Policy," the authors write, "There are those of us who had faith in the New Deal. One of our greatest disillusionments was the death of that policy in favor of a war policy under America's present day number one militarist." A small article refers to an incident in which 3 filing cabinets of index cards were scattered in the library and a letter to the editor asks if something can be done about such "objectionable occurrences." The 4th page contains a section on "Hell Week" and an article noting the death of Gertrude Gingrich, a professor emerita in the German department, who left $55,000 to the college.
Publication Date
The College of Wooster
Wooster, OH
No Copyright - United States
Hell Week, Frank Guy Armitage, Netta Strain Scott, Harry Flory, Roosevelt, militarism, the New Deal
Death notices; Obituaries; Library; Fraternities & sororities; Greek letter societies; College fraternities; World War, 1939-1945
Recommended Citation
Editors, Wooster Voice, "The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1941-02-27" (1941). The Voice: 1941-1950. 5.