Theses/Dissertations from 1980
The Role of Gabriel Vahanian in the Death of God Movement, Martha H. Avery
The Religious Element, Jeffrey D. Eng
Luke's Understanding of Redistribution of Wealth: A Selected Exegetical Study of Luke's Gospel, Glen A. Holman
The Relationship Between Faith and Healing in the Synoptic Gospels (With Special Attention to Mk. 5:25-34), Anne Emily Knapp
The Theology of George Fox and other Major Quaker Leaders in the Seventeenth Century, John P. Rider
Christian Political Responsibility: Relationships of the Church and State with Regard to Hitler's Germany, Elizabeth Adele Shupe
Congregational Music in the Presbyterian Church, Deborah A. Simpers
Hope for the Absurd: The Black Theologies of James H. Cone and J. Deotis Roberts, Charlotte H. Sommers
Humanism and Theism in the Religious Philosophy of Abraham Joshua Heschel, Patrick Sweeney
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
Religious Programming in a Residential Treatment Center: A Case Study in Active Theology, Cameron Jean Carver
Jesus and the Old Testament: A Study and Some Guidelines, Ah Seng Choo
For Such is the Kingdom of Heaven, Carolyn Ann Crawford
The Relationship Between Christianity and the World Religions: An Inquiry into Theological Issues and Answers, Margaret G. Lewis
American Pentecostalism and the Contemporary Charismatic Movement, Douglas B. McGillivray
Rumors of God: A Central Concept in the Thought of C.S. Lewis, Judith A. Miller
Martin Luther King, Jr., a Theology of Social Change, Graham H. Newson
The Lamb of God: A Re-Examination of a Johannine Title for Christ, Ann E. Poindexter
Charismatic Renewal and its Effect on the Church, Susan E. Price
J. Gresham Machen and his Role in the Reorganization Controversy of Princeton Theological Seminary, Martin W. Radcliff
In the World, But Not of the World: The Amish Concept of Separation, Ann E. Vesey
Towards a Feminist Theology of Sexuality, Cynthia C. Weiler
Department: Religious Studies
Christian Mysticism: The Vehicle to the Promise of our Faith, Herbert Capers Williamson
"Faith" and "The Righteousness of God" in the Epistles of Paul, John A. Young
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1978
Sir Christopher Wren and Church Architecture, Elizabeth M. Arthur
Department: Religious Studies
Evelyn Underhill: a Developmental View of Her Life and Writing, Rebecca M. Blackshear
Department: Religious Studies
On Praying and Doing: a Description and Analysis of the Contemplative Mode, Laurie K. Brubaker
Department: Religious Studies
Daniel Berrigan: Christian Convictions in a Human Experience, Sally Bubier
Department: Religious Studies
Principles of Religious Liberty in Its American Formulation of the Separation of Church and State, Erika Castell
Department: Religious Studies
Faith in the Twentieth Century: the Question of the Incarnation, Deborah Davies
Department: Religious Studies
Three Cults: a Study in Millenial Deviations, Geoffrey C. Good
Department: Religious Studies
Church As a Servant: Her Role in the United States Prison System, Karen G. Hasler
Department: Religious Studies
Experiencing Meaining: Symbol As Participatory Events, Jane Hawken
Department: Religious Studies
Development of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Ecclesiology, D. L. McElree
Department: Religious Studies
Historical Reconstruction of John the Baptist Through the Synoptic Gospels, Matthew Medford
Department: Religious Studies
Theory and Practice of Ministry to the Elderly, Emlyn A. Ott
Department: Religious Studies
Missions: the Basis, the Goals and the Means, David W. Riddell
Department: Religious Studies
Saul Alinsky and His Method of Community Organizing, Charles S. Smith
Department: Religious Studies
On the Problem of Discovering Meaning in Human Suffering, Stuart Thomas
Department: Religious Studies
Inseparable Stories of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Julia A. Wilson
Department: Religious Studies
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
Is Abortion Right or Wrong?, Joseph Eze Chidi
Integral Yoga, Tara Lang Cochran
Dealing with Guilt in Pastoral Counseling, Stephen R. Hammond
Feminism and Spirituality, Pamela S. McArthur
Toward a Christian Natural Law Ethic, Thomas C. Shupe
To Form Again--"The Circle without End": An Inquiry into Native American Spirituality, Janet S. Smeltz
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Business Ethics: Standards for American Business Activity, Robert N. Christensen
C.S. Lewis' Concept of Evil in The Chronicles of Narnia, Debra L. Culp
Transactional Analysis: A Christian Perspective, Gregory Davis
In Response to a Challenge-- An Exegetical Study of Billy Graham, David J. Duncan
God and Man: An Interpretation of Developments in Atonement Theology in the Late Middle Ages, Brian E. Fidler
Toward a Christian Approach to Education: An Alternative to the Public School, Deborah Ellen Fink
The Apostles' Creed: Its Historical Development, Cynthia Ann Fisher Freer
Moral Development in Children Ages Six through Eleven, Cynthia Greene
Poverty and Power: A Gospel Witness to American Oppression, Beth E. Haverkamp
The Uncertain Future of Pastoral Counseling, Phyllis Allen Hoelzel
Emile Durkheim: His Sociological Analysis of Religion and Mortality, John J. Lolla Jr.
The Church and Suffering: The Hunger Crisis, Shodie Lowe
A Practical Philosophy for Decentralized Christian Camping with Junior High Youth, Marjorie Mason
The Formulation of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Early Church, Adelaide Sapp
Opening the Canon, Matthew Sharp
St. Luke: Towards a Theology of Prayer, Ellen Stratton
The Nature of Myth and the Remythologizing of Christianity, James R. Wheeler
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
The Hunger Crisis: A Crisis of Values, Nancy Collins
Counseling as a Ministry of the Church, Linda S. Prack
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1971
Contemporary Mass Evangelism, Barbara J. Zink
Department: Religious Studies
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1963
Dawn Will Come, James N. Holm
Department: English; Religious Studies
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1959
In Hoc Signo Vinces: A Study of the Persecution of the Christians Under the Roman Emperors, Diane Cline
Department: Religious Studies
Theses/Dissertations from 1948
The Protestant Church Serving Agricultural Migrants, Florence Mason
The Protestant Church Serving Agricultural Migrants, Florence Mason
Department: Religious Studies