Comparing body image and self esteem across cultures: a look at Jamaican and American women

Kacy-Ann K. Cordiel, The College of Wooster


The present study represents a merging of cultural and cross-cultural research, and it is guided by the well-validated Tripartite Influence Model. This study examined the Tripartite Influence Model within the United States and Jamaica. Since body dissatisfaction is not widely discussed in Jamaica, this research would bring light to this issue and thus help young women who are faced with this problem. It is hypothesized that across cultures, Jamaican women will have lower levels of body dissatisfaction and higher self esteem. Within cultures, it is hypothesized that the relationship between sociocultural influences and body dissatisfaction will be mediated by individual psychological variables. Participants were asked to complete a questionnaire concerning the variables of the Tripartite Influence Model. Jamaican women were found to have higher self-esteem and lower levels of body dissatisfaction. The Tripartite Influence Model was partially supported in the Jamaican population.