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This text is tells of Prince Charles, the son of King James I of Great Britain, and the Lord Marquess of Buckingham (George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham) visiting Madrid, Spain in March 1623. King James and Philip III of Spain, proposed a marriage between Prince Charles and Infanta Maria Anna of Spain. The events detailed in the writing, describe the meeting of the Prince and Infanta. This visit to the Courts in Madrid took place during the height of negotiation for the marriage, despite the fact that the Infanta was opposed to it.

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John Haviland


London, England


Prince Charles, King James, King James of Great Britain, King James I, the Lord Marquess of Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham, Madrid, Philip III of Spain, King Philip of Spain, Infanta Maria Anna of Spain, Infanta Maria Anna, royal weddings, royal marriages, the Courts of Madrid, the Earl of Bristol, the King of Spain, the Conde de Gondomar, Sir Walter Aston, Charles I of England, Spanish Match, Anglo-Spanish War, the Parliament of 1614, anti-Spanish, anti-Catholic, Philip IV of Spain, the Habsburg Spanish empire


Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649; James I, King of England, 1566-1625; Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of, 1592-1628; Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621; Maria Anna, consort of Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor, 1606-1646; Royal weddings; Marriages of royalty and nobility; Bristol, John Digby, Earl of, 1580-1654; Gondomar, Diego Sarmiento de Acuña, conde de, 1567-1626; Aston of Forfar, Walter Aston, Baron, 1584-1639; Anglo-Spanish War, 1585-1604; Propaganda, Anti-Spanish; Philip IV, King of Spain, 1605-1665

A Trve Relation and Iovrnall, of the Manner of the Arrivall, and Magnificent Entertainment, Giuen to the High and Mighty Prince Charles, Prince of Great Britaine, by the King of Spaine in His Court at Madrid




The College of Wooster Special Collections

Library Catalog Record

DA394 1623 .B83

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