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This text is "an alarum of war given to the army, and to their High Court of Justice by the will of God" by Elizabeth Pooll (also known as Poole), who is referred to as a messenger of the Lord. After the miss prophesying of King Charles' execution, Pooll wrote and distributed "An Alarum of War" defending her title as a prophetess. In the text, Poole addresses the "pretended Church" and Fellowship of Saints in London, who held disbelief in her ability to communicate with the lord after her false prediction. In the Postscript of the writing, Pooll further states her power to communicate word from God and expresses her devout belief in the Church.
A second writing included in the text, is a letter from Thomasine Pendarves known as "T.P.," a friend of Poole. She writes to the Congregation of Saints urging them to forgive Poole, as that is what she believes God would want.
Publication Date
London, England
Elizabeth Pooll, Elizabeth Poole, Babylon, An Alarum of War, High Court of Justice, English Civil War, Charles I of England, the execution of Charles I, Elizabeth Poole prophetess, the pretended Church, Fellowship of Saints, false prophet, Christianity, Congregation of Saints, Wallace Notestein, messenger of the Lord, the Generall Councell of the Army, Cure of the Land, the kingdom of the patience of Christ, Mr. William Kiffin, the Abingdon prophetess Elizabeth Poole, Abingdon, England, Thomasine Pendarves, John Pendarves, the Baptist Church, Doctor John Pordage of Bradfield, the Abingdon soldier Francis Allen, the Whitehall debacle, A Vision (1648)
Poole, Elizabeth; Babylon (Extinct city); Great Britain. High Court of Justice; Great Britain--History--Civil War, 1642-1649; United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Participation, British; Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649; Women prophets; Notestein, Wallace, 1878-1969; Kiffin, William, 1616-1701; Pendarves, John, 1622-1656; Pordage, John, 1607-1681. Theologia mystica; Society of Friends -- Doctrines -- Early works to 1800; England and Wales. Army -- Early works to 1800
Recommended Citation
"An Alarum of Vvar, Given to the Army, and to Their High Court of Justice (So Called) by the Will of God / Revealed in Elizabeth Poole, Sometime a Messenger of the Lord to the Generall Councel, Concerning the Cure of the Land, and the Manner Thereof" (1649). English Historical Library of Wallace Notestein. 11.
The College of Wooster Special Collections
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