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This text is a collection of publications by Dr. William Maynard Lockwood of Chicago, IL. The following includes nine works: “The Molecular Hypothesis of Nature; the Relation of its Principles to Continued Existence and to the Philosophy of Spiritualism,” “Historical, Logical and Philosophical Objections to the Dogmas of Reincarnation and Re-Embodiment,” “the Disputed Parables of Jesus Christ,” “the Infidelity of Ecclesiasticism a Menace to American Civilization,” “Scientific Analysis of Spirit Photography and Spirit Materialization,” “Fundamental Principles of Psychological Phenomena,” “the Spiritualism of Nature,” “An Inquiry into the Reality, Amplitude & Dynamics of the Fourth Dimension of Space,” and “Review of the Rev. R.V. Hunter’s (Presbyterian) Attack Upon Modern Spiritualism” and touch on the subjects of religion, spirituality, science, and philosophy. Additionally, throughout the book there are advertisements for other works by Lockwood including “Continuity of Life a Cosmic Truth.”
Publication Date
W.M. Lockwood
Chicago, IL
Dr. W.M. Lockwood, Molecular Hypothesis, Dogmas of Reincarnation, Jesus Christ, Infidelity, Ecclesiasticism, Scientific Analysis, Spirit Photography, Spirit Materialization, Fourth Dimension, religion and science, science and philosophy, spirituality, religion, science
No Copyright - United States
Lockwood, W. M. (William Maynard), 1835-; Science--History--19th century; Religion and science; Philosophy and science; Spirituality; Religion; Science; Dogma; Reincarnation; Spirit photography; spirit photography; Fourth dimension; Science vs. modern spiritualism
Recommended Citation
Lockwood, William Maynard, "Works of Dr. W.M. Lockwood" (1895). Mother Home & Heaven. 16.