Babcock Hall - Senior Women's Dormitory
This photograph displays Babcock Hall from across Beall Avenue. During this time, Babcock Hall was a senior women's dormitory.
View MoreThis photograph displays Babcock Hall from across Beall Avenue. During this time, Babcock Hall was a senior women's dormitory.
View MoreThis photograph displays Severance Hall, the chemistry building. The photograph was taken across the academic quad and from up in a window.
View MoreThis photograph depicts a playing field that is north of the gym on campus.
View MoreThis photograph depicts a group of flowering trees near the parking lot behind Taylor.
View MoreThis photograph depicts Galpin Hall, taken from the west side of the building.
View MoreThis photograph depicts Holden Hall, which was a freshmen women's dormitory.
View MoreThis photograph depicts the Student Union building, which was located in the old observatory.
View MoreThis photograph depicts the Wooster Inn, which is located near the golf course on the edge of campus.
View MoreThis photograph depicts the corner of Memorial Chapel and a group of trees.
View MoreThis photograph depicts cars in the parking lot to the left of Galpin Hall.
View MoreThis photograph depicts the marching band, in uniform, performing on an athletic game.
View MoreThis photograph depicts a newly planted tree changing colors with the seasons.
View MoreThis photograph depicts a large open field. In the background there are buses, people sitting on bleachers, a fence enclosing a field. This is most likely depicting a sporting event.
View MoreThis photograph depicts Galpin Hall and the parking lot that is next to the building.
View MoreThis photograph depicts the west side of Babcock Hall from Beall Ave.
View MoreThis photograph depicts the College of Wooster's marching band, in uniform, performing on an athletic field during a sporting event.
View MoreThis photograph shows the edge of the tennis courts that are across Beall Ave. from Babcock Hall.
View MoreThis photograph depicts some of the trees on camps in front of Frick and Andrews Libraries.
View MoreThis photograph was taken from across a playing field behind Babcock, Compton, and Wagner Halls.
View MoreThis photograph depicts a path on the college, surrounded by flowering dogwood trees.
View MoreThis photograph captures the parking lot behind Taylor Hall.
View MoreThis photograph displays Hoover Cottage, which was a women's dorm during this time.
View MoreThis photograph displays some trees on campus and the corner of a building, likely Babcock Hall.
View MoreThis photograph displays Galpin Hall from the parking lot. The building is facing Bever.
View MoreThis photograph displays a view of College Ave. looking north up to Memorial Chapel.
View MoreThis photograph displays the college's band, in uniform, performing on the field during an athletic game. There is no date provided for this photograph.
View MoreThis photograph depicts a southern view of Taylor Hall. During this time, Taylor Hall housed the Art, Physics, Maths, and Drama departments. The photograph was taken from Bever.
View MoreThis photograph depicts a view looking north up Beall Avenue, with Babcock Hall to the right.
View MoreThis photograph captures the tops of trees with their changing colors during fall.
View MoreThis photograph captures a group of trees flowering during spring in front of Kenarden.
View MoreThis photograph displays a group of flowering trees in front of Kenarden.
View MoreThis photograph displays the corner of Kauke Hall from the west side. The photo was taken from up in an office, likely Taylor Hall.
View MoreThis photograph depicts the residential quad, with Douglas Hall to the left of the photo and Babcock Hall in the center.
View MoreThis photograph displays the space, and parking lot, between Babcock Hall and Compton Hall.
View MoreThis photograph depicts the West end of Kauke Hall and Memorial Chapel from an office in Taylor Hall.
View MoreThis photograph depicts a view of a parking lot through a group of trees.
View MoreThis photograph displays a recently planted sapling, the leaves are orange indicating that it is sometime during the Fall.
View MoreThis photograph captures the Sixth Section bandwagon, with the "Pyramids" riding along. The Sixth Section was a social and Greek organization (fraternity) known as Phi Sigma Alpha. The "Pyramids" are the women wearing the white...
View MoreThis photograph depicts the Drum Majorettes, in uniform and with their batons. The Douglas twins are shown in the photograph as the 2nd and 4th from the front of the line. Other students in uniforms (likely the marching band) sit on...
View MoreThis photograph was taken of an athletic game at the college within the crowd in the bleachers. No date was provided for this photograph.
View MoreThis photograph captures the Homecoming Queen, Suzie Taggart, addressing her fellow students at an athletic/homecoming event. No date was provided for this photograph. The marching band appears, in uniform, standing on the field in the...
View MoreThis photograph depicts the crowd at the homecoming game. The pictures mostly shows the 4th Section, which was a Greek organization (fraternity) known as Phi Omega Sigma. No date is provided for this photograph.
View MoreThis photograph captures individuals walking to the homecoming game. There is no date provided for this photograph.
View MoreThis photograph depicts the graduation crowd during the 1968 Commencement at the college. The picture was taken facing the front of Kauke Hall.
View MoreThis photograph captures a basketball game between Wooster and Heidelberg, played at Wooster in January of 1963.
View MoreThis photograph is taken looking west from the Chapel, directly facing Kauke Hall.
View MoreThis image displays signs hanging on the front of Holden Hall in 1963. These signs are likely a part of the decorations from homecoming of that year. The sign in red says, "Happiness is a broken zipper". The other sign is a picture of...
View MoreThis photograph displays Livingstone Lodge during Homecoming of 1962. Livingstone Lodge won 1st place for men's dormitories for decorations with their large red barn that says, "Chew Red Man, Wooster's Best Chew".
View MoreThis photograph captures Babcock Hall during Homecoming of 1962. Babcock won second prize for decorations for women's dormitories.
View MoreThis photograph depicts a view of the academic buildings on campus, looking up to Kauke Hall.
View MoreThis photograph depicts the trombone section performing to the crowd at a sporting event.
View MoreThis photograph depicts Kenarden dormitory decorated for homecoming festivities. There are signs hanging in front of the building. The Third Section men won 2nd prize, and the Fourth Section (Phi Omega Sigma) men won 3rd prize for their...
View MoreThis photograph depicts the homecoming decorations in 1961. The Eighth Section (Alpha Gamma Epsilon) men won 1st prize for men's dormitories.
View MoreThis photograph depicts Babcock Hall decorated for homecoming in 1961. Babcock Hall won 1st prize for women's dormitories.
View MoreThis photograph displays Kauke Hall from the Art Department (Taylor Hall).
View MoreThis photograph depicts a newly planted dogwood tree on the western side of Galpin Hall.
View MoreThis photograph captures a newly planted Dogwood tree near Galpin Hall.
View MoreThis photograph captures the stadium and power plant from across a large field.
View MoreThis photograph depicts Holden Hall, decorated for homecoming celebrations.
View MoreThis photograph depicts the college's marching band, in uniform, performing during homecoming of 1959.
View MoreThis photograph depicts decorations in front of Kenarden dormitory during homecoming of 1959.
View MoreThis photograph depicts three characters with a sign that says "Uncle Remus Says: Zip-pity doo da Beat da Tar out of 'Em" during the Homecoming game of 1959. The 1959 Homecoming football game was against Akron, played at Wooster. The...
View MoreThis photograph depicts a football game between Wooster and Akron in November of 1956. During the game, and in the photograph, Wooster was pushed to their goal line for a touchdown as Akron kicked the extra point.
View MoreSidewalk view of Babcock Hall, there is a car and two individuals in the photograph.
View MorePhotograph of a sidewalk view of Douglas Hall. Photograph displays the vegetation that used to grow on and near the dormitory.
View MoreThis photograph displays the College of Wooster sign in June of 1956.
View MoreThis photograph captures Galpin during Commencement Weekend in June of 1956. There are people standing on the steps of the building and a College of Wooster flag flying in the wind.
View MoreThis photograph was taken facing Andrews Hall from across the residential quad. There are large trees that obstruct part of the view of the dormitory.
View MoreThis photograph depicts a view of the golf course from the 5th hole in June of 1956. The photograph was taken in the morning.
View MoreThis photograph captures the path toward Kenarden during one summer evening. The photograph was taken in the early evening, around 7 p.m. in June of 1956.
View MoreThis photograph depicts the commencement ceremony in June of 1956.
View MoreThis photograph depicts a leader of the Russian church visiting the college in june of 1956.
View MoreThis photograph depicts female students from the college holding a welcome sign (in both English and Russian) to the Russian church leader that was visiting the college.
View MoreThis photograph captures the protestors during the visit of the Russian church leader. One of the signs in the photograph says, "Beware of False Prophets". This protest is likely an anti-Communist protests against the church leader. It is...
View MoreThis photograph depicts the Russian church leader standing with R. Watts and D. Zaurig standing on the steps of a building in June of 1956.
View MorePhotograph captures two students at the Lowry reception (Lee L. and Tom Stanford) in June of 1956. Lee is on the left and Tom is on the right.
View MorePhotograph captures the college's marching band, in uniform, performing for Color Day on a field during May of 1956
View MorePhotograph of people walking across the academic quad from the chapel. The photo was taken from inside Kauke Hall.
View MorePhotograph taken of Jan Bayer and Pat Kressly. The photograph faces the chapel and features the corner of Kauke Hall.
View MorePhotograph depicts two women walking outside of the Student Union, which was located in the old observatory. The observatory was redesigned in 1941 as the Temporary Union Building (T.U.B.), which housed the Student Union. This building was...
View MoreThis photograph displays students walking to morning classes in May of 1956.
View MoreThis pictures depicts students walking back to afternoon classes in Kauke in May of 1956. The photograph was taken to the right of Kauke Hall, and displays the corner of Memorial Chapel.
View MoreThis photograph depicts students walking in front of the library. At the time of this photo, the library was known as Frick Library. The building has since been renamed to Timken Science Library. Students Bruce Rigdon and Judy Kelly appear...
View MoreThis photograph depicts a personal counsel class being taught by Dr. Becker. The photograph faces Kauke Hall in the afternoon, with the class sitting in front of Kauke, underneath a large tree. Two of the students are identified. Sue...
View MoreThis photograph captures the Scot Band, in uniform, marching onto the field during the Color Day celebrations in May of 1956.
View MoreThis photograph depicts the Scot Band marching over and onto the field during May of 1956.
View MoreThis photograph depicts the Fourth Section spring picnic. The boys of the Fourth Section brought dates, and in this photograph the boys are with their dates and are all standing around a car. The Fourth Section was a social and Greek...
View MoreThis photograph displays the "Section Softball Playoff" in May of 1956. The playoff game is between the Fifth and Second sections. The Fifth Section was known as Phi Delta Sigma, and the Second Section was known as Kappa Phi Sigma. The...
View MoreThis photograph depicts some of the women on the campus. There is one man that appears in the photo.
View MoreThis photograph depicts two students, Jerry and Jan Carlisle, walking up University Street, in the direction of Memorial Chapel. This photograph was taken in the spring of 1956.
View MoreThis photograph depicts the marching band, in uniform, walking down and past the baseball diamond in May of 1956.
View MoreThis photograph captures the Sociology Club picnic, with Professors Beers and Stroup (both Sociology professors). It is likely that the picnic was held at Professor Atley Stroup's old house. The individuals in this photograph are: Lee M...
View MoreThis photograph captures the Sociology Club picnic in May of 1956. Individuals in the photo: D. Craig, Tex Odel, H. Cornish, Professors Beers and Stroup, B. Dando, D. Collins.
View MoreThis photograph depicts the Sociology Club picnic in May of 1956. The individuals in the photo: Peg Sessions, Davis, T. Odel, A. Thompson, D. Daniels.
View MoreThis photograph captures the Sociology Club picnic during May of 1956. The individuals in this photo: H. Cornish, D. Toumanon, Tex Odel, Professor Beers, D. Daniels, Peg Sessions.
View MoreThis photograph captures the view out of a corner window in Kenarden. The photograph was taken on a winter morning in March of 1956. The photograph focuses on a group of trees planted in front of the dormitory.
View MoreThis photograph depicts at the President's house in March of 1956. There is snow on the ground and cars parked in front of and near the house.
View MoreThis photograph displays College Avenue in the Winter of 1956. There is snow on the ground, and people milling around between their afternoon classes. Severance appears in the background and to the left.
View MoreThis photograph displays students walking around the academic quad, heading back to classes in the Winter of 1956. There is snow on the ground, and the students dressed for the weather.
View MoreThis photograph depicts a snowball fight on campus in Winter of 1956. The students are in front of Kenarden, playing around a group of trees planted in front of the dormitory.
View MoreThis photograph depicts the Color Day Queen, Louise Byers, on her march to the throne with her attendants lining the aisle. Louise Byers and the attendants are all wearing elegant, wedding-like, gowns and the men are wearing black suit...
View MoreThis photograph displays the Color Day pageant in 1956. Students are standing on a crowd on one of the athletic fields, and there are four large signs standing behind the group.
View MoreThis photograph displays the Color Day 1956 Queen, Louise Byers, and her attendants sitting on the throne on the field during the Color Day celebrations.
View Morethis photograph depicts Color Day celebrations in 1956. Senior women dance around the May pole, wearing pink, white, and red.
View MoreThis photograph displays a view looking toward Kenarden. Students are walking away from Kenarden after Sunday dinner. There is snow on the ground and the students are wearing long coats. This photograph is from January.
View MoreThis photograph depicts students leaving Kauke Hall and throwing snowballs. George Hillocks is identifies as the gentleman with the "high throw".
View MoreThis photograph captures the crowds of students after chapel, from the view point of the library steps.
View MoreThis photograph captures four of the boys from Fourth Section standing in front of Kenarden, which is decorated for Christmas. The Fourth Section was a social and Greek organization (fraternity) known as Phi Omega Sigma. The outside of the...
View MorePhotograph of Westminster, decorated for homecoming festivities in October of 1955. In the corner of the photograph is a bush sculpted to be a Scottish terrier, wearing a scarf with the Wooster tartan around the neck. The terrier has what...
View MoreThis photograph displays the "Trumps" wearing oversized playing cards around their necks. The "Trumps" were a social, Greek, organization (sorority) known as Chi Alpha Chi. The women are all wearing black skirts with red sweaters and big...
View MoreThis photograph displays individuals dressed up and known as "Imps" on the quad in the Fall of 1955. The "Imps" are a social, Greek, organization (sorority) known as Zeta Phi Gamma. The women in the photograph are wearing the "traditional...
View MoreThis photograph depicts a group of women in pyramid position. These women are a part of the "Pyramids", which was a social, Greek, organization (sorority) known as Delta Delta Rho. The women are wearing pyramid-shaped white hats with the...
View MoreThis photograph displays a side view of Hoover Cottage (from the viewpoint of Kauke Hall). The individual sitting on the bench is identified as Bruce Rigdon.
View MoreThis photograph captures students returning to classes after chapel in October of 1955. The students appear to be returning to class in Kauke Hall. During this time, chapel sessions were mandatory for students.
View MoreThis photograph captures the marching band performance during halftime of an athletic game in October. The band appears in a formation surrounding six other individuals holding connecting ribbons to create the letter "W".
View MoreThis photograph captures football player, Dick Jacobs, on an "end sweep" against an October game against "Big Red" (Denison) in 1955.
View MoreThis photograph displays a large bonfire during a pep rally in October of 1955. Students form a large circle around the fire.
View MoreThis photograph depicts a group of women dressed up as "Imps". The "Imps" were a social and Greek organization (sorority) on campus known as Zeta Phi Gamma. The women in this photograph are dressed as devils, wearing red and white, with...
View MoreThis photograph depicts the Fourth Section Octet. The Fourth Section was a social and Greek organization (fraternity) known as Phi Omega Sigma. The students in the photograph from left to right: Evans, Eaton P., Hornfeldt, Withers D....
View MoreThis photograph captures the Fourth Section stag picnic at City Park. The picnic was in October of 1955, at 5pm. The Fourth Section was a social and Greek organization (fraternity) known as Phi Omega Sigma. The students in the photograph...
View MoreThis photograph depicts students studying in the library near a large window. The photograph was taken at 2:30 p.m. in October of 1955. The photograph shows a view out of the window of the academic quad.
View MoreThis photograph displays the view toward the music room and toward the "Shack" on a fall morning during homecoming of 1955. There is a men crossing the road, walking toward the building in the distance.
View MoreThe photograph displays the Fourth Section boys walking back to classes in October of 1955. The Fourth Section was a social and Greek organization (fraternity) known as Phi Omega Sigma. The boys are walking in a group on a brick pathway...
View MoreThis photograph captures a group of Elm trees, and the shadows they cast in the sunlight. The trees are on the edge of a playing field near the residential quad.
View MoreThis photograph captures a set of Elm trees that are casting shadows in the sunlight.
View MoreThis photograph displays the view looking out towards the Wooster countryside from the roof of the Geology building, Scovel Hall. The photograph also looks over the barracks on campus that were used as marriage units. The college had three...
View MoreThis photograph displays the yellow beanies that the freshmen had to wear. The photo was taken from behind a group of freshmen in the bleachers at an athletic game. The beanies that they were required to wear were called "dinks", and were...
View MoreThis photograph displays a large crowd of students, the freshmen are wearing their yellow beanies.
View MoreThis photograph displays the crowd at Memorial Chapel on "Hell Day" in October of 1955. "Hell Day" is the Greek life rush day. Rushing typically lasted one week that was called "Hell Week" for the individuals rushing the different Greek...
View MoreThis photograph depicts the college's marching band, in uniform, walking over the hill and onto the athletic field during a game.
View MoreThis photograph depicts the Peanuts making a revival announcement to be held in the Shack. The Peanut pledges are on the door-step of Kauke Hall. The Peanuts are a social and Greek organization (sorority) called Pi Kappa.
View MoreThis photograph displays a larger version of the Wooster Pennant during homecoming of 1955.
View MoreThis is a collection of digitized images from the personal slide collection of Lee Lybarger, class of 1956. Highlights from the collection include images of College traditions and celebrations, such as Homecoming, historic shots of campus, and images of sports and recreation. Other students attending the college during the mid-50's are depicted, and often named, in the collection.