"The Complex of Peyotism in Native American Religion" by Charles R. Gall


In my study, I hope to educate the reader about the complex of peyotism in Native American religion so that he or she will have a better understanding of the complex as it exists in North America and especially the manner in which Native Americans use the hallucinogen. To do this I will look at peyotism in the context of shamanic vision experience, revitalization movements and pan-Indianism. I will conclude with a historical look at the Native American Church which is the pan-tribal, organized manifestation of peyotism, and the legal issues which pertain to its continued existence in North America. In my first chapter, I will discuss the complex of shamanism. I will give an overview of shamanic ecstasy and the shamanic vocation. I will then discuss Native American shamanism and the vision quest within Native American religion. In my second chapter, I will discuss the stages of religious revitalization movements and pan-Indianism and how the two complement each other. I will then analyze the Ghost Dance religion within the context of revitalization movements and pan-Indianism. In my third chapter, I will discuss the complex of peyotism in the United States, its origins, its ritual, and how Christianity influences it. I will conclude by discussing peyotism in the context of vision experience, revitalization movements and pan-Indianism, with a historical look at the Native American Church, which is the organization which has formed around the peyotism complex in the twentieth century.


Mumme, Patricia


Religious Studies

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis

Available for download on Thursday, January 01, 2150



© Copyright 1993 Charles R. Gall