
The broad purpose of this study was to explore how teachers and speech-language pathologists provide feedback to children in early childhood settings. More specifically, I investigated their knowledge of and beliefs regarding fixed and growth mindset feedback, as well as their perceptions of the use and effectiveness of fixed and growth mindset statements in three contexts. I analyzed data gathered from an online survey instrument that 46 teachers and 25 speech-language pathologists completed. The results revealed that both teachers and school- based speech-language are more likely to use growth mindset feedback than they are fixed mindset feedback. Additionally, both groups of professionals found growth mindset feedback statements to be more effective at encouraging students to persist, and more effective at making progress toward goals or learning objectives. These patterns were consistent across all three contexts, which included 1:1, small-group instruction, and whole-group instruction.


Furey, Joan


Communication Studies


Communication Sciences and Disorders


Teacher, speech-language pathologist, fixed mindset feedback, growth mindset feedback, early childhood

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2019 Chelsea Copley