
The status of Women in contemporary Russia is unequal to that of men. While Russia has been radically transformed by the collapse of the USSR and the transition to capitalism, the position of women in society remains largely unchanged. Their position in politics, education, the workforce, health, and in the home remains stagnant and, in the last twelve years, may even have moved backwards. The Gender Gap Report provides data suggesting that, from 2006 to 2018, Russian women have only increased their position in the sphere of politics and in economic participation, albeit marginally. The continuation of the patriarchy from the end of the Soviet Union, along with the absence of a major feminist movement, continues women’s disinterest to improve their status in society. Current discussions regarding changes in women’s reproductive rights and the decriminalization of domestic violence has led to the backwards movement of women’s status in society, which has blocked Russian women from attaining true equality.


Filimonova, Tatiana


Global and International Studies; Russian Studies

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2019 Claire Russ