This paper explores aspects of Japanese society as reflected through their comic books, referred to as manga. This study focused on the popular reading materail of young men ranging in age from junior high school to their early twenties. Roughly 400 manga written for the target population were studied. The re-ocurring themes were analized in order to draw new conclusions about Japanese thought and behavior among the studied population. Results varied on different topics but the overall results pointed towards a wide gap between the attitudes of young men and their actions. My conclusions point toward manga as expressing the beliefs of the inner, private self, rather than the public self that is usually studied .
McConnell, David
Sociology and Anthropology
Recommended Citation
Craig, Robert A., "Manga: An Anthropological Study" (1993). Senior Independent Study Theses. Paper 5562.
Publication Date
Degree Granted
Bachelor of Arts
Document Type
Senior Independent Study Thesis
© Copyright 1993 Robert A. Craig