Three Images of Memoried Terrorism in Contemporary Spanish Theater: Antonio Buero Vallejo, JeróNimo LóPezmozo, And Paloma Pedrero [Tres ImáGenes Del Terrorismo Rememorado En El Teatro EspañOl ContemporáNeo: Antonio Buero Vallejo, JeróNimo LóPez Mozo Y Paloma Pedrero]

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Terrorism, a concept with more symbolic significance than concrete presence, and theatre are defined by the immediacy of action and dramatic effect. The objective of both theatre and memory is to recreate a view of reality. In theatrical and mnemonic terms, terrorism is an illusory phenomenon whose representation and recollection constitute a challenge. In Jueces en la noche, El arquitecto y el relojero and Ana el once de marzo, Antonio Buero Vallejo, Jerónimo López Mozo and Paloma Pedrero, respectively, overcome said challenge to give artistic presence to the social, political, ideological, and emotional aspects of terrorism within the theatrical frame. © UNED.


Artistic representation, Buero Vallejo, López Mozo, Memory, Paloma Pedrero, Terrorism, Theatre, Trauma
